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通常価格 ¥324
通常価格 セール価格 ¥324
セール 売り切れ
税込 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。

ティーバッグ 3g×1個入り 袋
ティーバッグ 3g×5個入り 袋


産 地 :国産
品 種 :やぶきた
形 態 :ティーバッグ

甘 み :
深 み :
渋 み :
香 り :

Sakura Green Tea 
”I want to make a tea that our customers can enjoy the gorgeous fragrance of cherry blossoms and the taste of green tea." This "Sakura Green Tea" is born from the idea of the 5th proprietor, Nabeshima. Ordinary sakura tea is made by adding hot water to salted cherry blossoms. Sakura Green Tea is a blend of sugared cherry blossoms leaves and green tea. This makes the natural aroma of slightly sweet mochi (rice cake with sweetened sakura leaves) and the delicious flavor of the tea.
